Build Wind Energy, develop Pacific oil/gas… or fight wars?

This was a comment by someone I talked to a few months ago.. unfortunately, it was so long ago, and I started this post so long ago… that I no longer have my notes about WHO that person was… so lets just call him John Doe. Let’s take that $300 billion figure for the Iraq …

Do not lower Gas Taxes: Here’s why.

Because it is a continuation of the problem, so some tax will come off. So what? The price of crude will continue to rise, and quickly make up the difference. It’s not “relief” it’s a vote grab. By lowering Gas Taxes we are in effect saying. “We do not like to pay high prices for …

Peak Oil by 2006?

That’s what Colin Campbell says in a recent Guardian article: Campbell reckons global peak production of conventional oil – the kind associated with gushing oil wells – is approaching fast, perhaps even next year. His calculations are based on historical and present production data, published reserves and discoveries of companies and governments, estimates of reserves …