A Semi-load of Irony

(Sent to the Times Colonist April 11, 2021) Dear Editor, Mosaic Forests announced it would be testing out two electric logging trucks from Tesla Motors.  Exciting news in the world of fossil fuel free transport but there seems to be a semi-load of irony attached. The majority of Mosaic’s CO2 emissions are likely not from …

New Co-op Cardlock Key to Other Adaptations

Dear Editor, It is great news about the Co-op Cardlock facility on Johnston Road not only because it is a reputable and community minded business that deserves our support, but let us also hope it will encourage heavy truck traffic to use Johnston Road, a provincial highway whose maintenance is mostly funded by the taxpayers …

What is extremist if not to hurt people?

The word extremist has been used to describe violent people for a long time. It is usually attached to a religious movement that has taken its faith to the limit of human decency. Less often it might be an ideology that has gone from ideal, to violent demand. In other instances it can be turned …