So what about an 11th Province of Vancouver Island?

[poll id=”15″] There’s an election happening in Nanaimo. The big news is of course that this election could trigger a provincial election if the BC Liberals win. But there is something a little different about this election. “The Vancouver Island Party”? What do you think of the pitch? click for larger versions, or go to …

Storm proves it’s time for the City to take decisive action to protect our watershed.

What do you need to do? If you agree with this proposal and would like to see it made reality, please write to the AV News, Times Colonist, City Council, the ACRD, and the Province of British Columbia. I have contact information at the bottom of this page. To the Editor – I don’t want …

Fuel Stats for 2018 for my Toyota Prius C and fuel price, economy, CO2 emissions over time.

I track my fuel use semi-religiously. I have used the fuel log book at (also known as Gas Buddy) since May 2006 to track the price, fill, and odometer of every single gas purchase. It’s a great habit to get into. It really makes you think about the gas you’re using and it can …