Big Christmas Dos! 16lbs and rolling!


Well, I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas. We certainly have!! It’s been super busy, that’s for sure… but it’s been a ton of fun!

I’m going to sort of work backwards because I want everyone to know first of all what happened just this Morning! Miss Jade rolled over for the first time!

She’s been “threatening” since just before Christmas, but she finally did it, from tummy to back today! What’s sort of odd is that Jade could flip herself over quite nicely from back to front when she was really little, like under 10lbs. Then she sort of “lost” that ability. I guess because she turned into a regular newborn and gained lots of weight. So we’ve been waiting for her to get stronger and rollover again!

I actually have VIDEO of the event… actually, it was the second time.. the first time she did it, I was in the shower. This is about 5 minutes after that.

Click on this link to see the video. You’ll need Quicktime.

Now that that is out of the way we can talk a little about the rest of the Christmas fun. We managed to see almost everyone. We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Theresas’ Parents. Lots and Lots of presents, mostly for Jade of course, we’re exchanged and far too much food was eaten. My mom and step-dad came down for Christmas Dinner and we flew out to Ontario the next morning.

Jade was surprisingly good on the Airplane. She ate on the way up and down… and slept for most of the time in between. The plane was pretty packed going both directions… so she was definitely the best behaved little child on the plane. But that’s what we’d expect of course!

Ontario was pretty cold to start. Especially for our West Coast baby. We quickly learned that she hates anything that restricts her arms (ie. impeads her thumb from getting to her mouth 🙂 ). So she became a blanket baby whenever she stepped outside. There was beautiful snow on the ground on the 26th and 27th… it started to melt and it was almost gone by the time we left on the 30th.

We saw so many cousins, second-cousins, aunts, great-aunts, uncles, great-uncles, grandmas, great-grandmas, grandpas and great-grandpas that it all sort of went into a blur! There was a wonderful family dinner on the 27th where nearly 40 people all gathered. We got a great photo of almost the entire family!

On the 29th we went and visited Theresas family in Collingwood (close to Kitchener). A much smaller affair… but great company and an awesome dinner!

It’s been a crazy week. Jade has made lots of steps… first grabbing things… then sticking out her tongue when she smiles… then kicking up her legs… then rolling over! On Friday she goes to the doctor (we have a new family doctor, YAY!) where she’ll get weighed for the first time in a month!

Talk to you all again soon, make sure you check out the pictures… they’re on the left side as usual.



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